Who else wants to know what the best ab machine on the market is?
It seems that there are so many marketers and advertisers trying to sell us these magical contraptions which will chisel us a set of wicked abs within 14 days.
I am feeling a bit of a rant coming on today... Beware. I just can't stand to see people that I know get ripped off and charged the GDP of some third world country for a piece of sub-standard equipment that promises the world and delivers nothing remotely close.
I will go into ab machines and the facts behind them and tell you my (and almost every other fitness trainer who has great results themselves) opinions on them.
As much of an optimist as I may be, I also have a bit of healthy skepticism when it comes to anybody / anything promising instant results, and I think that is a healthy thing. Being gullible just leaves you and your soon to be featherweight wallet at the mercy of anybody who has a mouth and half a brain.
When one first embarks on the quest to get in shape and start toning up their body, they are first unsure what to do next. They may approach a gym, supplement store, personal trainers, the internet, infomercials or a friend or family member. Although getting into shape may be relatively simple , it sure isn't easy.
The interested person is then bombarded with options, and will most likely fail to do anything by the syndrome know as "analysis paralysis", which basically means that you over analyze your options and think yourself into confusion and end up doing nothing. This fear is alive and well and is often seen in most aspects of life.
I will let you in on a wee secret that will save you a wheelbarrow of cash...
Ab machines are not what they are made out to be!
Lets look at how stupid they really are:
* First, how do you think anybody got abs before they came along? They obviously didn't have ab machines even 50 years ago, but people were still lookin' good and had cut, lean bodies.
* Any fitness trainer will tell you that traditional ab exercises will dominate the results ab machines will give you, purely because they make you work like stink!
* A good body never comes without sacrifice, so next time you see somebody using an ab machine and reading a magazine while watching t.v, chuckle quietly.
* Ab specific exercises are not the most important prerequisite to getting abs, losing the excess body fat that is covering them up IS!
* Most of them cost so much and are cheap ass pieces of trash manufactured by kids under terrible conditions.
So you may be still wondering why the title of this post is... "Who else wants to know what the best ab machine on the market is?".
Well let me tell you...
I believe the best piece of equipment available to you isn't on the market today.
I believe that your own mind is the best resource that you will ever have available to you.
It has been said by men far wiser than myself that :
"What comes to us for free is of little significance to us, but what we pay money for is of high importance, when the reverse is true. The things that come to us free such as our love of family and friends, country and self, our minds, bodies and spirits are all things that we can never replace".
It was Earl Nightingale who said that (not the exact quote, but as close as I can recall from memory).
So what should we learn from today's browsing of the internet?
Well I think we should learn to treasure our own things we can never replace, instead of putting importance on things that are man made and easily replaceable.
If we really wanted to get into shape, we would just learn from somebody who has the results that we want and then put them into practice.
We are all free thinking individuals who are not controlled by anyone else (no matter how it may seem sometimes), and only we have the will to want to become a better person, and a better person always starts by building a stronger mind.
Start by purchasing one (1) type of fitness program and following it religiously, unless you want to take your body to extreme levels or are a professional athlete, you should only ever need one damn good fitness book.